Sunday, November 17, 2019

Outdoor Summer Kitchen Design

Part of the planning of an outdoor kitchen should also include when you are expecting to actually use it. The ones that are going to be used year round will often have features that do not have as importance in an outdoor kitchen that will only be used in the summer. And unless you live in sunny California or Florida, chances are there will be times when it is not practical to use an outdoor kitchen. Cooking in snow isn’t always the most fun thing for a chef to do.

Outdoor Summer Kitchen Design

Because of this, outdoor summer kitchen designs are often just called summer kitchens and also outdoor kitchens. To make yours the envy of the Jones’ next door, making more than just a fire pit and a barbecue rack is the key. Keeping it simple, functional and practical will keep it within reason for costs and value.

One of the first things to consider is where you are going to build it. This is important because you will have to run power, water and electricity to any outdoor summer kitchen design. If you select a spot far from the house, it will raise costs because you need to run these things to the location. If you keep them too close, it limits what you can do with space.

What look do you want to have for your new space? Do you have a log house with which a brick-and-mortar island will contrast too sharply? Does the slate you like work with the look of the garden? Making the outdoor summer kitchen fit in to what’s currently around it will increase the compliments you get, not to mention the value it will bring to the home. Keeping things in mind as far as space use is important. You might not even have the space required to do what you want, or if you have a huge area, a little more might be appropriate.

Other than cooking, will you be using the space for anything else? Where will the people who are enjoying your food sit? Do you want other areas for just chatting or watching TV, or perhaps even relaxing in a hot tub? These other recreational activities, while having nothing to do with food per se, are important to factor into your outdoor summer kitchen design. It is rare that guests come over to just eat your food. Entertainment and food go hand in hand, and your thoughts on the issue should reflect what you choose.

Then finding the tradesmen to actually do the work is also important. You can find yourself a reputable contractor who will then coordinate with all the different parties that are required to make this happen. An experienced one will know what to watch out for and what to do during all phases of the build. You can act as the contractor and save some money, but it will be you that needs to be in constant contact with all the professionals needed to build your cabinets, install your electrical, lay brick or any number of things that you will need. Then instead of finding one reputable professional, you now need to know what to look for in many different and unrelated areas. This can spell disaster for the inexperienced, and then it won’t matter how well you planned your outdoor summer kitchen design if it can’t be built right.



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