Kids bunk beds are practical and fun beds that come in various materials and designs. If you have two children living together in a small room two beds can take up a lot of room and create more clutter by reducing crucial and much needed room space. Bunk beds are compact kids bed options that can help reduce clutter and increase space in your children's room. They come in various types of wood and metal, and they are also available in twin, full sizes, top twin and bottom full styles and all twin or all full styles. They come in various designs including the traditional design with ladders on the side or the food of the bed. There are also beds with stairs leading to the top bunk rather than ladders. There are basic traditional bunk beds and there are also beds with themes like nautical themes, space themes, western themes or princess themes. Beds with themes are usually more expensive than more basic designs. You can find bunk beds at various furniture stores, big box stores, department stores and from online vendors and online auction sites.
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